During a discussion about how hospitals are unwelcoming with white walls and dark corners, the women in the photo revealed to me that she’s grateful to doctors. She told me she had good experience.
She felt unwell one day. It was just tiredness. She didn’t think much about it and went to bed. Next day she was on the garden watering it. The last thing she remembers is pulling up watering cans before falling to unconsciousness.
When she woke up, they went to hospital. At first doctors thought it wasn’t serious. However, they didn’t give up. Eventually it turned out to be a burst vessel in her brain. She made note that this problem is a very frequent sudden cause of a death of people between 30s and 40s. One of her colleagues died suddenly at the age of 30.
She had a surgery in 24 hours. She was recovering for 9 months. She had to learn many things again. She doesn’t have any consequences nowadays.
Our conversation right before we got to the hospitals was about a death, suicides, means of committing a suicide and why people do it. We talked about it openly. I didn’t have a feeling it was a taboo for us.
I conclude that people who have had a close encounter with death can’t have a problem to talk about death and suicide.
I asked her what she was when she was in touch with the death. She said she had seen nothing. Neither God nor fanfares.
Afterwards when it was over, she began perceive thing and problems in a different way. Joy and gratefulness were gleaming from her (For being alive).
I believe the ma’am ain’t having any trouble with the ongoing energetic crisis.