Czech James Bond


James Bond is an elegant man, who drinks Martini: “Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold.” He is a car enthusiast who likes Bentley and uses a gun as a means of earning his living.

What would Czech Bond be like if it was written in the Czech Republic?

He would be a man wearing dungarees who would drink bottled beer: ”Shake it very well until it has proper foam.” He would be a car enthusiast tuning Skoda Felicia of a rust colour at his home. His means of subsistence would be a screwdriver.

Note: The text doesn’t relate to the man in the photo. It is my imagination.

Břetislav Sobek

My name is Bretislav Sobek. I am curious and don’t understand new things. That is the reason why I ask, I write it down and post it.

I have written hundreds of emails to newspaper’s editorial offices. They have answered me once. They wrote me that if I wanted to write I should study journalism including a link to the right faculty. They said it was supposed to be the right place for me.

Others answered with a suspicion that I was a PR manager of a political party. I just wanted to inform my fellow citizens about what I think was important to them.

I applied for Journalists unions. They didn’t accept me and weren’t able to explain me why. The same went for another ten candidates.

And that’s the reason why I decided to set up my own newspaper and named myself a chief editor.

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