
Blog is an electronic diary of one or more authors. It can be either personal or professional. Authors can write it when they are bored. When something catches their attention and when they want to share their feelings and impressions with an audience.

Spanish cuisine and overall impressions of Spain (4)

This article brings information about Spanish cuisine and Catalan one and about social habits of Spaniards and Catalans during eating. There is also information about overall impressions of Spain and why the country is suitable for tourism. This is 4th of a 6-article series.
View on Girona from the bridge Pont Palanques Vermelles.

Girona, Montserrat and grilled pigeon (3)

About Montserrat monastery, where Heinrich Himmler sought the Holy Grail. Girona – picturesque place with a historical centre where Lance Armstrong, at first the king of cycling, then the king of dope, went to train. There is also a legend about the French. It will help you to find out
Inside of Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar

Zaragoza (Aragon), thieves and high-speed trains (2)

Zaragoza (Aragon) is an autonomous region in the north of Spain with ancient Roman and Arabic influence in the architecture. It is possible to get to Zaragoza by a high-speed train. You will find out about thieves and how they can snatch anything from your hands. This is 2nd out
Rich Czech dad by Bretislav Sobek.

Bright side: How to become a salesman

From choosing a customer, through creating a call script to a meeting. You will find out how to overcome obstacles during communication with a customer and what the success rate of arranging a meeting is. How to end an unsolicited call graciously and bizarre people you meet.
Saleman with your soul in a suitcase.

Salesman with your soul

The article is about how public tenders are manipulated with. How pricing works and how much money companies can make. Clash of technicians and salesmen and their views. What a top-selling product may mean. Dishonest business practices and the danger of a strong player in a company.

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