
Column is a genre which is written on an unimportant topic in a funny and a satirical way. It usually includes irony and overstatements. It should lead readers to ponder over the topic. It revolves around authors’ experiences.

Our real Instagram story

Instagram, Instagram story and the reality. Why does our inner self differ from the reality? Authenticity and hypocrisy and how we can turn shitting on a toilet into a Sunday mass at a church.
Release the seat please.

Yellow line and good manners

Rules and good manners. We encounter many rules everyday. The rules don’t make sense. If we don’t like them, we adjust them. When it comes down to to decide based on what’s polite, the right has been removed from us. Read more.
Flush toilet, ostrich and Tomas Bata.

Flush toilet, ostrich and Tomas Bata

“Do you have a toilet here?” “We’re an establishment under 10 people, we don’t have to have a toilet. Try to go to Ostrich’s…, well, but they are closed now.” I turned around and carried on reading a Zlin city magazine about culture, contemporary successes of Zlin with an unpleasant

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