Journalism- Page 2

Opinion journalism is a genre which includes an author’s subjective opinion. It is important that articles are factual, informative and persuasive. One of the targets is to educate the audience.

Spanish cuisine and overall impressions of Spain (4)

This article brings information about Spanish cuisine and Catalan one and about social habits of Spaniards and Catalans during eating. There is also information about overall impressions of Spain and why the country is suitable for tourism. This is 4th of a 6-article series.
How to talk to ignorants (Mit Ignoranten sprechen) by Peter Modler.

How to talk to ignorants by Peter Modler

Review of a book How to talk to ignorants by a German author Peter Modler. It’s suitable for individuals who don’t understand why people put them in their places in discussions. Even though they have good and logical arguments. Communication planes (vertical, horizontal), three levels of communication and universal statements
Waiting in the endless queue.

Endlessly long queue

I also needed to buy a train ticket but I didn’t have to wait in the queue. Did the people know they didn’t have to wait? Did they want to have a chat? Or perhaps they didn’t think about it at all and were cool. What do you think?

Our real Instagram story

Instagram, Instagram story and the reality. Why does our inner self differ from the reality? Authenticity and hypocrisy and how we can turn shitting on a toilet into a Sunday mass at a church.

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