Man from chapel of Saints Cyril and Methodius


Man selling various souvenirs in a chapel of Saints Cyril and Methodius at a mountain Radhost in the Czech republic.

There are statues of Cyril and Methodius in front of the chapel. They came to the Great Moravia to spread the religion and a writing system.

There was another person who came with them. His name was saint Naum. They translated the bible to old church Slavonic together and then propagated it in the Great Moravia. He work with them for 22 years.

Monastery of Saint Naum is located at the banks of Ohrid lake in North Macedonia.


Chapel at Ohrid lake

Břetislav Sobek

My name is Bretislav Sobek. I am curious and don’t understand new things. That is the reason why I ask, I write it down and post it.

I have written hundreds of emails to newspaper’s editorial offices. They have answered me once. They wrote me that if I wanted to write I should study journalism including a link to the right faculty. They said it was supposed to be the right place for me.

Others answered with a suspicion that I was a PR manager of a political party. I just wanted to inform my fellow citizens about what I think was important to them.

I applied for Journalists unions. They didn’t accept me and weren’t able to explain me why. The same went for another ten candidates.

And that’s the reason why I decided to set up my own newspaper and named myself a chief editor.

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