An event Open-Mic Night stand up Olomouc took place at Bluesbar Garch in Olomouc on 13th May starting at 20:00. The event was about a stand-up comedy show where brave souls, who had registered before, performed. The was also one who raised his hand to perform during the event.
The stand-up comedy is in English language. It is a regular event. Professional comedians from all around the world as well as ordinary volunteers can perform there. Once in a while there is an Open-Mic night where any of you can perform and stand on stage. This event was one of them.
History of stand-up comedy
The stand-up comedy consists of stories and monologues of performing comedians in front of live audience. The stories and monologues often revolve around life experiences of the comedians. They also relate to lives of people in the audience. The purpose of the stand-up comedy is to make people laugh.
The audience is also a part of the show. They cheer the comedians up with their laughter. Stand-up performances are quite often unscrupulous and express opinions of the comedians.
One of the founders of the stand-up comedy is Lenny Bruce. He expressed himself absolutely openly. Especially about topics such as racism, politicians and the Vietnam War. He was arrested for it by the police.
Another successor from nearer past was George Carlin. He talked about contemporary topics and issues in society in a way which showed the truth in its purest/brightest form. That’s the reason why the audience laughed a lot. Example of such topics were: 7 words You Can’t Say On TV, overprotecting of children and consumerism.
I admire George Carlin because he talks about things as they really are without political correctness, PR nonsense and advice from stupid people.

Joanna began organizing stand-up comedy shows back in Hong Kong
Olomouc English Comedy is organized by Joanna Sio. She organized the first show in Olomouc in 2017. She’s from Hong Kong. She became enthusiastic about stand-up comedy back in Hong Kong and Singapore where she performed as a comedian.
She can offer advice and tips how to create your own stand-up performance. Joanna told me that some of the performers need help with creating their stand-up performances and some of them not.

Comedians who performed, their preparation and feelings
There were 7 performers in total. There were Czechs and foreigners among them. It was a diverse group of people from various parts of society with a different background. There were among them: a popcorn producer, a political science student, a university professor, a woman who have just returned from Malta after 6 years and women – foreigners – who got married to Czech men.
Topics of their performances were varied. They touched our everyday lives.
The student of the political science mentioned a lecture about harmful effects of marijuana. They were made to attend them at secondary school. One of the lecturer bought special glasses which induced the state of being high. The director of the secondary school put them on and said: “It ain’t the same as it is in the reality.”
One of the comedians shared an interesting fact that dolphins have sex for fun as we do.
Another performer who lived on Malta for 6 years and has just returned talked about finding friends in adulthood. She portrayed troubles of finding friends in cities and in the adulthood in a funny way. I think that majority of the audience could identify with it. The same way as I could.
It was the first time on stage for some of them. A few of them had already performed on stage before. Those ones who were on stage for the first time tended to prepare for it. They usually created an outline of the performance. However, the ones who had performed before improvised.
Performers noted that once the audience starts to laugh, they relax and can perform with joy.

One person to register during event
After 7 prearranged performers, one person raised their hand with a desire to perform. He was from India. His courage was supported with claping of the audience.

What audience thought about it
The audience was satisfied with the performers. They enjoyed it. One person from the audience would appreciate if the performers could speak to the microphone more clearly. It would also be appreciated if there was a lower number of performers.

Critical review
The event was very well organized at Blues bar Garch. The bar has an exquisite choice of beer brands. The quality of service is at a very high level.
Performances of some of the performers weren’t so funny. Yet, the audience supported them with laughter and applaud. It shows that the audience was considerate of them and showed belonging together to them. They helped them (performers) to enjoy their first showing-up on stage so as them to leave the event with a positive feelings in their hearts.
When next stand-up comedy show takes place
If you would like to attend the next stand-up comedy, check the Facebook page Olomouc English Comedy where the events are posted.