
Photography showing authors’ thoughts. They show beauty, interesting things, atrocities and weirdness. Photos offer short texts to make you laugh, teach you something and make you not to understand what authors write about. They offer a visual description of the reality and turn ideas into fine-art pieces.
A goat tied up to the rail.

Railways in Albanian style

Ceske drahy (Czech railways) dispatch around 7000 train connections per day. The physical rails are administered by Sprava zeleznic (Railway Administration). It is said it isn’t good. There are delays all the time and many single-track railways. Is is really so bad? Well, it depends on the point of view.
Jawa 50 Pionyr

Jawa 50 Pionyr

Over 1 000 000 of Jawa 50 Pionyr motorcycles were manufactured. Jawa, the company, and his founder, Frantisek Janecek, formerly produced grenades. Afterwards he began manufacturing motorcycles. What other interesting facts about Jawa and his founder offer?

Shipping container

Photo series of shipping containers at a container terminal in Praha–Horni Mecholupy. How long is the container? What’s the share of the containers in shipping?
Man on the meadow.

Man on the meadow

A man on the meadow who’s looking somewhere? Where does he look? What’s behind the edge of the photo? Is there something giving hope to people? The light of the tomorrow?
Waiting in the endless queue.

Endlessly long queue

I also needed to buy a train ticket but I didn’t have to wait in the queue. Did the people know they didn’t have to wait? Did they want to have a chat? Or perhaps they didn’t think about it at all and were cool. What do you think?
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