Photography- Page 3

Photography showing authors’ thoughts. They show beauty, interesting things, atrocities and weirdness. Photos offer short texts to make you laugh, teach you something and make you not to understand what authors write about. They offer a visual description of the reality and turn ideas into fine-art pieces.
Shoes on the train.

People and shoes

Photo series of people and shoes. What shoes do you wear? I usually wear the ones which wear out and break apart quickly.
Train driver peeking out of an old Soviet locomotive nicknamed Sergey after a journey from Lviv to Ivano-Frankivsk. He allowed me in and I had a privilege to take a look at the engine.

People of Ukraine

The article is about who Ukrainians are, what they do, their hospitality, their opinions about the European union and why we don’t see lifeless bodies with shot-through heads on TV. Let’s treat Ukrainians at these difficult times in a humane way.
Saint Hostyn.

Hostyn and trees

This is a view on Saint Hostyn. There was a forest in the past. Spruces were cut down due to a bark beetle. The second photo are tree in a neat line.
Lhotejný pes pod psa.

Photographs not good enough for indifferent dog

Indifferent dog. Even exceptional landscape photographs won’t cheer him up. He still feels as a sad dog. If is the morning, midday or the evening. If he meets up with anybody, nothing will change his face expression (mood). He still feels bad. What would help him?
Prophet Valentin and his apostles Dimitrij and Radovan.

Last alcoholic drink

Prophet Valentin and his apostles Dimitrij and Radovan during the Last alcoholic drink. The sermon is carried out at a shrine of a circular shape. Hear out his sermon.

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