Ceske drahy (Czech railways) dispatch around 7000 train connections per day. The physical rails are administered by Sprava zeleznic (Railway Administration). It is said it isn’t good. There are delays all the time and many single-track railways. Is is really so bad? Well, it depends on the point of view.
Trains are out of service in Albania. (Update 21. 8. 2023: There is a train connection between Durres – Elsaban during the summer on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.) Aktualizace k 21. 8. 2023: Přes léto jezdí spoje mezi Durres – Elsaban v pátek, sobotu a neděli). They were all suspended after Covid. The photos in this article come from a section between Elsaban and Pogradec including a train station Pogradec. The section hasn’t been used since 2012.

The rails are in dilapidated conditions when I take into consideration it hasn’t been used only for 11 years. Some rails are missing. Some of them have their gauge extended to 2 metres. The main use of the rails is tying up goats with a rope to them. I am sure the goats don’t escape as the rails are heavy.

Railways were promoted by Enver Hoxha. He ruled Albanian from 1941 until his death in 1985. Enver propagated the railways a lot and that’s the reason why there were built. He didn’t like automobiles. After the change of the regime from communism to democracy, the number of cars and buses have raised. These two means of public transportation have replaced the trains.
The buses, which are used for the public transport, are called furgons. They are vans equipped with passenger seats.