Stories of people- Page 3

Stories of people are short texts sharing life experiences of people around us. They make you wonder. They make you feel sense of belonging and sympathy. They share life paths and plights of a life. The stories have the power to take you to another time, environment and convey complex characters and arouse your curiosity.
Cheating at competition

Cheating at competition

The owner of the dog whose dog is in the photo is a lover of Prague rattlers. She has owned a few of them throughout her life. The breed was bred for purposes of catching rats and other rodents. She also owns a British shorthair cat. She attends competitions with
Attacked by wolf in Greater Caucasus

Attacked by wolf in Greater Caucasus

A couple from Austria. They hiked in the Greater Caucasus. It was pouring down. Their tent began to slide slowly on a hillside with them inside. They called the police for help. They packed up the tent. They were walking towards the agreed place of the meeting. They heard howling.
Unexpected massage

Unexpected massage

Fabian is Swiss. He had travelled for 17 months when I met him. He has been in Asia, Africa and Latin America. He said the couchsurfing is full of gays. He was accommodated at a place of a Chinese man for 3 nights. He came to his room each evening,
Our highest commander

Our highest commander

Jiri Lanka, a chaplain and a chief instructor of a squad of a fast response (URNA). A police chaplain is a new function at the police force of the Czech Republic. It is not so interconnected with families of policemen and doesn’t have such a tradition as in the Army
Can’t keep his mouth closed

Can’t keep his mouth closed

He takes care of horses his whole life. He competed as an amateur. He met Josef Vana (Czech jockey). Mr Vana visited his stable to have a look at horses. He said he is a hearty man, friendly and that he never closes his mouth. Once he was taking care
Future without borders

Future without borders

Iranian – He thinks society isn’t free in Iran. There is not any support for women. He differentiates between people and governments of each country. The governments, our leaders, are unreasonable people, but ordinary people want to live in peace. He says life in Iran is a routine. If there
14 days spent at a cottage for free

14 days spent at cottage for free

Cyril from France. He has been travelling for 4 months in Europe in a car. He hadn’t left France before he set off to this journey. A man from the Netherlands helped him to make a bed out of wood for the car. He sleeps either in the car or
The traveller

The traveller

A traveller from Australia. He worked for three years and he has been travelling for five years since. He lived from savings in the first year. After that he has lived from money which he raises by playing musical instruments. Some of them were created by him (See a vacuum
Problematic footballers

Problematic footballers

A former football player of a village league. I asked him why footballers are with their noses in the air and cause troubles. He answered that it’s because they are in the public eyes at villages. That gives them a better social status. Many footballers play football only because they
Self-service man

Self-service man

“I was planing down on a planer and I was wearing a long sleeve. The planer took my sleeve and pads of all of my fingers away. I got in a car and drove myself to the hospital. I don’t use working gloves because I lose sensitivity in my hands.

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