Stories of people- Page 4

Stories of people are short texts sharing life experiences of people around us. They make you wonder. They make you feel sense of belonging and sympathy. They share life paths and plights of a life. The stories have the power to take you to another time, environment and convey complex characters and arouse your curiosity.
Miraculous vet

Miraculous vet

She studied veterinary medicine at secondary school. “I knew a vet who specialized in treating budgies – a budgie specialist. People came over to him with budgies with various problems. They always left happy. The doctor put the budgie to sleep (under general anaesthesia). After that he went to his
Talent doesn’t matter, but who knows whom

Talent doesn’t matter, but who knows whom

Former professional basketball player for a Prague team. He played everywhere around the world. His dream was to be an NBA player and to be a big star. Basketball fulfilled him. During a transition from a children pastime to a professional sport, he found out that who knows who (connections)
Fables of club visitors

Fables of club visitors

A great soundman who I met in the Eleven club in Brno. The task of the soundman is to balance each instrument (guitars, microphones, drums etc…) in order each of them to be heard ideally. The audience then have a good experience from listening. He got closer to the soundman
Prodigy factory

Prodigy factory

I met her and her friends on a train. I could see a talent in each of them. It just radiated all around. I saw a talent for art in one of them and I saw great intelligence in the one in the photo. I had never seen this before.
Snow bicyclist

Snow bicyclist

An English teacher which rides a bicycle on snow with help of special tyres with nails in them. He lived in Finland where he came to the idea of riding on snow. Public transport is so expensive there that it was better to ride a bicycle.
School years

School years

She works at Montessori school where children are taught by working on projects. In case that a child doesn’t know something, they ask a teacher. He works as an economist. He studied math and physics at CVUT. However, he doesn’t remember much from his studies of maths. He said that
Hit from above

Hit from above

Six years ago, she was afflicted with a disease of the central nervous system. She couldn’t walk due to it. She said it was really hard for her initially because she had done a lot of sports and gone out before. Now she is making small steps as she can.
Parents still consider me to be child

Parents still consider me to be child

“If you have a problem that your parents keep telling you what you should do. That they do not understand your actions and they would like you to decide as they wish to. They pontificate you incessantly. The reason is they consider you to be still their little child. They
Witness of history of 20th century

Witness of history of 20th century

He was born in 1934. When he was 9,5 years old, he had to serve for farmers at farms. He slept on heaps of straw with cattle in barns. When he was small, poverty of people was immense and people couldn’t afford to buy shoes. He had another 9 siblings.

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