Musician, a signer and a DJ Ventolin (David Doubek by his name) visited Olomouc on 1st of July.
He and his team (including his wife who goes to concerts with him,) began preparing a stage as early as 19:20. They gradually started unpacking their instruments and putting them on the stage. The stage was situated between two wall. The walls reminded of a castle. It added to the atmosphere of being even more impressive.
Unfortunately they had a flat tyre while on a journey from the musician’s home in Lysa nad Labem. It prolonged their journey considerably. They had to take all the DJ’s equipment out of a trunk and fetch a replacement tyre. Then they returned everything back and remembered they forgot to take out tools.
Despite the troubles and the delay, Ventolin still did an interview for, which will be published in the following week.
Covid struck here as well. Organizers told me that only 36 tickets were sold in advance booking. However, it didn’t have any effect on the number of people who came. I estimate that around 100 guests attended the event.
The courtyard of K10 is laid with wooden tables. There were Ventolin’s fans sitting. Some of them came as far as from Scotland. There was also present a women bachelor party which also says that the quality of Ventolin musical output is exceptional.
There was bartender in a cosy interior of the establishment. Even though this was an additional job for her above another full-time employment, she served beer to incoming customers with joy.
Suddenly a signal started playing. It called us as a horn to come closer to the stage in order to prepare for the wave of authenticity. The authenticity which stems from Ventolin music and flowed as a wave to the furthest parts of our hearts.
Songs like Totem and Disco Science were performed during the concert. The latter one made Ventolin more known among the general public. This is also due to its original video clip. Songs from his latest record were performed as well. The name of the record is Dneska se vyčasilo (The weather’s got better today).
I would say that his work is something which I can describe as how the reality really looks like. Reality which each of us knows and experiences everyday. The example of it is relaxing by the pond with a schnitzel. Driving Maserati on Wenceslas square isn’t it. Even though we can see it in many video clips.
Due to it each attendee could remove their daily masks which they are forced to wear sometimes. They didn’t have to adjust to the presented unreal reality.
The highest (whoever he is,) thought about the concert. It started raining just at the end of it. After that people moved over to the interior part where merchandise was sold by him and his wife. There were posters with Ventolin, t-shirts and vinyl records to buy.
At this phase Ventolin seemed socially tired. And as he said he would like to take a rest and calm down a little bit.
All photo are available here.