
Performers and the organizer (the first one from the left in dark blue sweater) at Open-Mic stand up Olomouc Night at Bluesbar Garch.

Open-Mic stand up Olomouc Night at Bluesbar Garch

Open-Mic stand up Night took place at Bluesbar Garch in Olomouc on 13th May starting at 20:00. The event was about a stand-up comedy show where brave souls, who had registered before, performed. The was also one who raised his hand to perform during the event.
A goat tied up to the rail.

Railways in Albanian style

Ceske drahy (Czech railways) dispatch around 7000 train connections per day. The physical rails are administered by Sprava zeleznic (Railway Administration). It is said it isn’t good. There are delays all the time and many single-track railways. Is is really so bad? Well, it depends on the point of view.
People who attended the first English by speaking in Olomouc.

New English conversation club in Olomouc

An event English by speaking took place at Owl’s cafe in Olomouc on 28th February 2023. It’s an English conversation club. The one-hour long conversation topic was Education & Intelligence. At the beginning sheets of paper with 12 questions were handed out. Six questions for each topic. Attendees took turns
Eyes – one of our senses.

Eyes, sight and sensory perception

Eyes, sight and our sensory perception. How does it work? Why does our sight fool us sometimes? Why is an electric shock so painful but a raising temperature of water doesn’t bother us so much? Interesting facts about processing an interpreting visual perception which help you understand yourself more.
Jawa 50 Pionyr

Jawa 50 Pionyr

Over 1 000 000 of Jawa 50 Pionyr motorcycles were manufactured. Jawa, the company, and his founder, Frantisek Janecek, formerly produced grenades. Afterwards he began manufacturing motorcycles. What other interesting facts about Jawa and his founder offer?
A woman who met with the death.

Close encounter with death

During a discussion about how hospitals are unwelcoming with white walls and dark corners, the women in the photo revealed to me that she’s grateful to doctors. She told me she had good experience. She felt unwell one day. It was just tiredness. She didn’t think much about it and

Shipping container

Photo series of shipping containers at a container terminal in Praha–Horni Mecholupy. How long is the container? What’s the share of the containers in shipping?

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